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Historic District Commission Minutes, 05/04/2010
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
May 4, 2010

Members present: Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Jason Berger, JB; Steve Sample, SS; Elaine Steinert, ES; Jim Harwood, JH

Staff present:  Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

5:30 pm Legacy Banks 25 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 20.  Sign.

John Renzi of Graphic Impact Signs and David Hicks of Legacy Banks made the presentation.  Mr. Renzi told the Commission that the Zoning Board of Appeals has approved a modification of the Special Permit (Decision filed April 13, 2010) granted approximately 5 years ago to accommodate the additional sign and are asking the Commission to approve the aesthetics of the sign.  Legacy is changing the colors of their signs at all of their locations and the new sign will reflect that change.  They are also asking the Commission to approve replacing the two existing signs with the same material and colors proposed for the new sign. The material chosen is aluminum but it will have the same look as the existing approved signs.  The bank has found that the existing signs have a foam core and do not hold up to the weather.  KF pointed out the Guidelines state that all signs in the District are to be either wood or wood-like.  Discussion ensued regarding the need for the directional sign with the Commission stating that only one sign is allowed under their Guidelines.  The placement of the sign would be on public property, which requires review by the Selectmen.  

JH made a motion to accept the color and material changes and deny the existence of the other sign in the proposed location.  It was decided to withdraw this motion as it may be confusing, and replace with motions that were in the affirmative.  JB made the motions to accept the directional sign as presented and to accept the changing colors and material of the existing signs.  SS seconded both motions.  The Commission voted to approve changing the colors and materials of the existing signs 5-0.    The Commission voted to deny the directional sign as presented by a vote of 2-1-2 with SS and ES in favor, JH voting against and KF and JB abstaining.  

The Commission suggested that the applicants present their request to the Selectmen.

5:45 pm Deborah Raptopoulos, 8 Franklin Street, Map 43 Parcel 191, the location of Haven.  Replace the existing front doors with two 36” wide doors.  Shelly Williams called on May 4, 2010 to say that Ms. Raptopoulous was not available and that Ms. Williams did not feel that she could answer questions, therefore she requested that the meeting be continued to May 18, 2010. JH made a motion to continue the meeting to May 18, 2010 at 5:30 pm and JB seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 5-0.

6:15 pm Wendy C. Philbrick 6 Cliffwood Street, Map 43 Parcel 69-1 new home on the vacant lot.   Making the presentation was Kristine Sprague.  Ms. Philbrick was also present.

Ms. Sprague presented a site plan and elevations of the proposed home to be built on the vacant lot.  Both the lot and home will be conforming to the Zoning Bylaws in all areas.  The proposed structure is oriented to Cliffwood St., with the primary façade facing Cliffwood St.  The house will measure 2624 square feet and will have an attached garage measuring 384 square feet.  The home, Greek Revival style, is designed to appear historic, to seem as if it could have been added onto over the years just as many of the Cliffwood houses that have evolved from the 1780’s to the present.  Ms. Sprague listed the materials that will be used and stated that the house will be painted white with dark green shutters and front door.  

ES made a motion to approve the plan as presented and JB seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to approve 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola